On Grindstone Lake in Hayward, Wisconsin, the day is a beautiful sunny day with 70 º with a good amount of wind. Wimbledon plays for Bub on Sandy’s TV. It’s Bub’s 77th birthday but he doesn’t look any older.

We venture into Hayward to find a tennis court. There are four real nice ones next to the high school. One is open-just waiting for us. The other three are being used. There’s a sign indicating the courts are reserved on weekdays from 7:30 to 11 for leagues. So we’ve gotten lucky. It is 10:30 and one has opened up. We have a good match and he wins 6-1.

When we get back, Dawn and I go into town to grocery shop for the next few days.
When we get back, Bub and I jump in the hot tub again. Sandy has graciously turned the temp up to 105º —the way Bub likes it.

I am so excited that my brother, Andy and wife, Judy are spending the rest of the week with us. They have spent a few days in Duluth and arrive mid-afternoon. Andy has brought a tennis racket case with seven old antique rackets. A few wooden and others. He is insisting my handicap is Bub has to play with one of these rackets to give me the advantage! We shall see…
Sandy’s brother had smoked some brisket and given it to them, so we had a very yummy brisket birthday dinner, with cake and ice cream and wine.
It’s great you let him win for his Bday!
It was the least I could do!!!! Haha